• Drug and Alcohol Counselling & Treatment

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Dr Brené Brown

Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Therapy

Rarely do problems associated with drug and alcohol dependence and addiction exist in isolation. They are often symptomatic of and linked to other underlying mental health concerns including depression, stress, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, childhood abuse and trauma.

Reaching out and connecting with a qualified drug and alcohol professional is a difficult step for most people to take.

Finding a therapist who will support you, without judgement to explore your concerns is important. There is no one size fits all approach to the treatment of drug and alcohol dependency and addiction. In some cases, a detoxification or rehabilitation program may be recommended to a client prior to (or in conjunction with) seeking therapy and counselling.

At Talkingminds, we respect that there are a number of circumstances that lead a person to seek treatment and therapy for drug and alcohol dependency and addiction. Many clients report feeling ambivalent about taking that first step so it’s important to find a professional who understands the underlying and accompanying complexities of dependency and addiction.

Fundamentally, it takes courage to reach out and seek help and at Talkingminds, we respect that. Seeking treatment for drug and alcohol dependency and addiction may be one of the bravest acts a person struggling with addiction will do.

Our comprehensive and multi-disciplinary services mean it is possible for you to address the different aspects of addiction in a safe and supportive environment.

For a confidential discussion about how one of our drug and alcohol psychologists and counsellors can help you, please contact us.

Therapy for other addictions

We have therapists and counsellors who are able to assist with other addictions or problematic behaviours including gambling, overspending, etc.

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