Trudy Wilson

Trudy Wilson

Qualifications & Training

  • Accredited Mental Health Social Worker
  • Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Philosophy), University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney)
  • Bachelor of Social Work, Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga
  • Master of Counselling Social Work (with Excellence), UNSW Sydney
  • NLP Master Practitioner & NLP Trainer
  • Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator (CDWF), based on the research of Dr Brené Brown

In 2024, Trudy was delighted and honoured to be accepted into the PhD program at the University of New South Wales, Sydney and will commence study in May 2024.


  • Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, Australian Association of Social Workers
  • Clinical Social Worker, Australian College of Social Work, Clinical Division
  • Co-founder and Life Member, Australia Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLPAA formerly ABNLP Inc.)
  • Registered Medicare Provider

Appointment Times

Trudy is primarily located in Camden (south western Sydney/Macarthur region). 

Trudy is a full time clinician, providing individual counselling and psychological therapies, and is available to see new clients.

Please note: Trudy does not see children, and all clients must be 18 or above to access clinical services at Talkingminds.

Trudy is available to see clients for counselling and psychotherapy in person (face to face), in Camden as well as via telehealth (video call). Additionally, Trudy supports other allied health professionals by providing professional and clinical supervision, and private practice mentoring and coaching.

For many years (close to 20!), Trudy provided clinical services and ran a successful group practice in central Sydney. For clients who may have seen Trudy during this time in this location, please feel free to contact as Trudy may be able to link you in with her network of trusted inner west colleagues (or provide consultations via telehealth).

Consultation Fees

  • Individual counselling and therapy (For adults aged 18 and over)
  • $245 first session (90 minutes)
  • $195 for subsequent sessions (55-60 minutes)
  • Coaching fees: P.O.A.
  • Professional Supervision (please contact me to discuss). Professional supervision attracts GST.

**Please note, fees quoted are based on payment at the time of consultation; any third party payments or funding arrangements attract a higher fee rate. Please contact the practice for these fees.

For clinical and professional supervision and private practice mentoring fees, please contact Trudy by phone or email.

A Medicare rebate of $82.30 applies for clients who are referred via a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan. These rebates apply for in person sessions and for telehealth sessions, and you may be eligible to claim a rebate for up to 10 sessions per calendar year. Medicare will cover some of the session, however there is a gap payment (an out of pocket cost). I do not bulk bill.

Some private health funds will pay a rebate for your sessions (BUPA, HCF, Doctor’s Health, Teacher’s Health, UniHealth and Nurses and Midwives Health). The rebate will depend on your level of cover and may not apply to all members.  You cannot co-claim a private health rebate if you are also claiming a Medicare rebate. 

*Please note- I am unable to see SIRA referred clients (and do not see clients under the CTP or Workcover schemes). 

When considering the equity of fees, please consider my extensive experience and qualifications and that I bill at a significantly reduced recommended rate. The Australian Association of Social Workers recommends that my fee be $270 per session.

Practice Snapshot

  • Close to 30 years’ clinical experience in the field of mental health
  • 20 years’ experience in private clinical psychotherapeutic practice
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate (research) university qualifications, and decades of professional and personal development training, supervision and mentoring
  • Results and outcomes driven. All treatment is based on thorough assessment of client’s presenting concerns and symptoms so that the underlying patterns and behaviours are identified, and so that change is sustained over the long term
  • Trudy is well respected for for her assessment and treatment outcomes, drawing integratively on leading, emerging and evidence-based psychotherapeutic models
  • Trudy has the skills and experience to work over the long term with clients (as well as short term therapy)
  • Trudy’s warmth, compassion, authenticity and professional friendliness combined with her treatment outcomes, have meant that her referral base is wide and diverse, and often via word of mouth or professional recommendation
  • Trudy will work with other professionals (General Practitioners, Psychiatrists) and other health professionals to ensure comprehensive care for her clients

A Personal Note from Trudy Wilson

Hello and a warm welcome. Thank you for considering my practice for your psychological well-being. 

My Therapeutic Approach

I approach my work with my clients with a deep sense of honour and privilege, and expect that my clients be afforded the care and compassion that I would insist upon for those I care about.

I am an experienced and senior clinician available to provide affordable counselling, therapy, mentoring and coaching in Camden NSW. I have extensive clinical experience and experience in operating a group private practice and managing and supervising allied health professionals.

I have worked in the fields of mental health, counselling & coaching for close to 30 years, across diverse practice areas in the non-government sector and in private practice; with significant experience in the management and operations of a group private practice. I have worked in private practice for 20 years in my own practice and from 2009-2020 operated a successful and innovative multi-disciplinary private practice in Ultimo, Sydney. It was truly a privilege to work with the team at Talkingminds and I am indebted to my colleagues from whom I learned so much. I closed Talkingminds Ultimo group practice in 2020 purely to focus my efforts on my work closer to home and to restore some work life balance after 15 years of regular commuting! 

I have a Bachelor of Social Work degree and am an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker and Clinical Social Worker. I have an undergraduate Bachelor of Arts degree (majoring in Psychology and Philosophy). I completed the Master of Counselling Social Work at UNSW Sydney in 2021, and conducted a research thesis employing a scoping review of the literature pertaining to therapists’ experiences  of personal trauma  during their career. I received a High Distinction for this thesis and graduated from the program with Excellence. I have recently commenced PhD study at UNSW Sydney.

I have made a conscious choice to be a social worker. Studying (extensively) to become, and being a social worker (with specialist accreditation in mental health), positions me well to understand the totality of my client’s lived experiences and their symptoms, concerns and goals- not narrowing down on symptoms and pathology at the expense of understanding the wider and systemic issues. It takes 6 years of combined university study and practical training to become accredited as a specialist mental health social worker, which is on par with the amount of time it takes to become a registered psychologist. I could have followed the path of psychology further but chose not to. I deeply respect my colleagues who work in this field and have worked closely with many psychologists and clinical psychologists over the years; including as a supervisor, peer and mentor and Director of what was largely a psychology based clinic. However, I do not accept that we work within a hierarchy in terms of mental health service provision. Each profession offers a choice, a model, and a pathway – one does not exceed the other. Each profession provides a lens to view mental health and psychological well being. There is no evidence that one profession is ‘better’ than or ‘superior to’ another and in fact, social workers have long been respected for their professional skill when it comes to the management of clinical complexity.

Over the years I have combined my fields of study and practice areas with innovative modalities including Neuro Linguistic Programming, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Solution Focussed and Strengths based therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Positive Psychology and Success Coaching methods, Trauma informed and Trauma specific psychotherapy (including trauma memory reconsolidation work).

I am a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator (CDWF); a highly experiential methodology based on the research of Dr Brené Brown. As part of The Daring Way™ process we explore topics which include vulnerability, courage, shame and worthiness. These are powerful and life changing concepts and are transformative pathways towards potential and growth. 

I am the Director, Founder and Principal Therapist at Talkingminds. 

I am interested in the mind-body connection and the ability to heal, regenerate and transform. Drawing on my social work training and strengths based approaches, I work with the ‘whole person’ and consider carefully the context, environment and history of my client’s situations. I consider it a true privilege to bear witness to the transformation of my clients and their individual journeys. 

It is vital that psychotherapy and counselling has a purpose, outcomes and accountability. I hear too often that clients disengage from therapy because they do not feel their therapy is meeting its objectives, they are not feeling heard or that therapy has fallen far short of client’s expectations. I am committed to a transparent and accountable process that works towards the psychological wellness of my clients as a primary outcome. 

I am well versed in the management and innovative treatment of a range of concerns including depression and anxiety, PTSD and complex trauma, stress management, relationship concerns, grief and loss, work based issues and life transitions. I welcome varied referrals and if I cannot personally assist, will endeavour to link clients with someone who can.

In determining the methods and approach I use with individual clients, I consider the following:

  • I work holistically and systemically, assessing the whole person, not just their symptoms or diagnosis. 
  • I work flexibly in my therapeutic and coaching approach and do not adhere rigidly to one model if this will not produce the best outcomes for my clients. I don’t believe in a ‘one size fits all’ approach. However, in stating the above I am cognisant of the importance of evidence based practice – and conversely practice based evidence!
  • I view mental illness and psychological distress within relevant contexts. That context may be cultural, relational, familial, social, vocational, political or spiritual. 
  • Excellent treatment outcomes are possible with the right therapeutic fit. Real change is possible. 
  • I appreciate that therapy and counselling may be a journey or pathway taken at different times in a person’s life and for different reasons. Although I would like to ideally work with clients through to their outcome attainment, I understand that factors beyond their and my control may prevent them in doing so. In which case, I welcome all clients back when they are ready to do so.
  • I hold myself accountable to the same principles that I encourage my clients to consider. 

Assisting my colleagues and peers through Professional & Clinical Supervision and Mentoring

As a senior clinician, I also provide professional supervision and private practice mentoring to mental health professionals and am passionate about ensuring that professionals receive the right support. I have extensive supervisory experience across the public, NGO, charitable and private sectors from frontline workers to senior staff and management. As a previous group private practice owner, I am across the many aspects of private practice work from both the clinician and Director’s perspectives. I am available to provide telehealth sessions to supervision/mentoring clients who live interstate or in regional or rural locations.

I am also often sought to provide therapy to therapists and other mental health professionals and welcome all enquiries.

A little niche of mine….Communication Coaching

Additionally, I offer a tailored coaching program (communication coaching).  This is a unique and tailored program based on 18 years of practice based evidence, research and development. 

It is such a joy for me to be able to deliver this program and I have been lucky to work with some amazing professionals as they advance their communication skills throughout their careers. 

Some final words…..if you’re still with me. 🙂

I maintain a strong commitment to my professional and personal development and receive regular clinical supervision from a highly experienced and senior clinician.

Although a controversial position, I believe that psychologists, social workers, counsellors, psychotherapists and other mental health professionals serve their clients best if they have ‘done their own work’. Generally speaking, this would mean their own (monitored) personal development practice or their own personal psychotherapy. I have engaged in my own psychotherapy during the past 20 years at various times for various reasons. 

Contacting me….

As an experienced counsellor, therapist and mental health social worker, I see a range of adult clients for counselling and therapy at my Camden practice, and where appropriate via telehealth. Feel free to make contact with me.

 I am available to see new clients in Camden (south west Sydney, Macarthur region). 

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